
Sunday, December 28, 2014

A Plan, in motion

I find myself here - starting a blog - with a partial plan: to do forty new things before I turn forty. Not a new idea, but an idea that was new to me. And I have just over 5 years to get this done! I can do this!

My plan is not entirely sorted out, but I know that I need to commit myself to this to have a chance at making this all worthwhile. I need to get the ball rolling - time is a ticking - and that ball is going to start rolling by putting the beginning stages of my plan in writing. Out there in the world!

Why am I here, writing this blog and attempting this new things?  I am here to live life a little more fully. To engage in the opportunities that abound around me while I can (I have no expected disruptions, but you never know what's in store!)  I want to embrace more and cherish more. I want to fail at more things. I want to succeed at more things. I want to try more things. And that's it.

In the city I live in there were 10 shootings in the two days prior to Christmas this year (2014), and seven of those people died. For whatever reason, it really hit me. Maybe because one of those was on the block where I live. It was during a robbery of a liquor store, which makes it more understandable but not less senseless.

We are all here for such a short time. And I'm reminded that we don't know how long we have. I had been mulling about this idea for quite a few months (and have started on the reading portion), but have now decided to commit.

If I am lucky enough to make it to 40,  I want to do more with my life between now and then. And if not, I want to go out knowing that I was really living! (When you see my list it might not seem that crazy, but as a homebody by nature - these will be challenges for me).

I don't see myself as tackling all the big things in life. There are things that I want that I may not get. Or get to do. There are things that will become opportunities I didn't know existed. I want to be more open to those. And for me, getting out there and getting started with a list of goals is a good place to start! So, there you have it.

I don't want just any forty things. I want them to be things that I have a genuine interest or fear of doing. I want them to expand who I am in some way.  By reading books I don't naturally gravitate to, cooking things that aren't every day recipes, going places that always seemed like places I would get to "someday." I am ready to start living a better life. 

The Simultaneous Plan.
I should declare right up front that I don't think there's any reason why I should limit myself to discussing my five year goals without addressing my year long goals as well. A couple years ago, I started creating goals for myself at the start of the year. NOT. Not. not Resolutions. Resolutions are not for me. But goals, attainable goals get me to strive further when I want to quit or do more when I'd rather stay home. Goals are my self-inspiration. As mentioned, this is a partial plan, so I don't know to what extent it makes sense to share and explore both of those simultaneous goal tracks, but we'll find out!

1 comment:

  1. I think your plan is splendid. Love the concept. Should I try "70 by 70"??? LOL. That gives me less than a year.....
