
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

2015 Bike Goal Achieved! (Spin goal)

It's only January and I have already met one of my goals for biking! This was the only goal I have for spinning. I'll take it!

My spin studio (Ride DC) calculates metrics tied to each bike for each rider and it's posted in real time during class, then details of your performance are sent to your email after class, and they are tracked on your individual profile on the website. It sounds intense - and maybe it is. But it's completely motivating!

Inline image 1I'm regularly the bottom of the class.  On a good day I'm in middle of the class. And that's okay with me! I'm mostly in competition with myself. And I'm kicking my own ass. 

The summary category is: Total Energy. For each class - starting around last May - I had a goal of reaching 300 "points" in the Total Energy category in each class. Then I started aiming for 325, then 350, then 400, etc. It ebbs and flows and there are strong times and less strong times.

Last January (2014) - the first class that they still have on file for me, my total energy was 227.
My goal for 2015 was to reach 500 in a 45 minute class.

Last January 2014:

Inline image 2

At the end of 2014 I was in a low period. Ranging from 315 to 375 per class. So it seemed like 500 would be a big challenge for the year. Today I got 520!!

This Friday (January 2015):
Inline image 3

Woot woot!!!


  1. Wow! I am totally impressed. So inspiring. I feel like such a slouch...I am completely dedicated to pushing myself harder, beyond the point where I am inclined to stop...even if only a little more each time..bravo! Thanks for inspiring me (in so many ways too!)

  2. Spin=one tough, health chic :) Go You!
