
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

40 Before 40: Annual Birthday Check-in

I know things have changed in my life because I bought myself a beginning shooting range lesson for my birthday (Goal #31)! But seriously - All in all, the standard of my travel and life experience has been raised and seems to be holding strong. I'm still seeing the world in new ways and learning all sorts of interesting things. I'm demanding more from myself and I like it.

As a goal-oriented person, I function better within the structure that goals provide. One of the byproducts of this whole endeavor is learning a broad enough life approach that I'm more capable of spontaneity. At least I hope so! It's a weird thing to plan and prepare for, and one that I know will continue to be a big challenge for me.

Unexpected Benefits
One of the more unexpected benefits of this challenge has been that it's making my life easier. I know that sounds a little strange. It's been providing an excuse and reason to focus on determining what I really want in the big picture. Each time I get a better handle on some aspect of that, it makes day to day decisions easier, too. I can see and sort through things more effectively.

In the past month or two, I've been doing some heavy duty reflecting: What are realistic goals? What goals do I really care about? What goals can I logistically and financially complete? What goals will I be most proud to accomplish?

I have 4 more years and 31 more goals. 

I have been mildly surprised by the evolution of these goals over time. It turns out I have 3 categories of goals on my list: (1) Experiences, (2)Adventures, and (3) Skill Acquisition. More and more, I'm drawn to skill development rather than facing down fears - but not giving up on that either. I'd been mulling that over for awhile, when I couldn't help but do a little analysis of what my list really represents. There's definitely some crossover. Is shooting a gun an experience or a skill acquisition? Is driving through New England an experience or an adventure? Regardless, everything seems to fit pretty succinctly into one or more of the categories. And they are now fairly well distributed.

Deciding to add in 40 non-fiction feels both natural and like a cheat, but also falls into the category of something that will make me feel more accomplished and proud. I'm almost giddy at giving myself permission to add it to the list. In so-doing, I found myself struggling to determine what to move down to the alternative list.

George Washington (National Cathedral) Reflecting
Goal Narrowing
Travel was an overwhelming number of my initial 40 (big surprise, right?), which is not only not financially viable, but also fails to achieve the underlying purpose of this quest: to broaden my life experiences. While travel provides plenty of opportunity to go outside my comfort zone and try new things - there are other areas where I need extra incentive. Travel is something that I'll do without a blog to hold myself accountable! Well, most travel. Would I get to Africa before I turn 50 or 60 without the blog? Maybe not... So it remains on the list, for now. Additionally, I find folding adventure goals into a travel experience has been really fun. Where to go parasailing... Miami? Bahamas?

Let the Adventuring continue! 


  1. I hope you are celebrating your commitment to your goals and your blog!!

    1. Thanks, Stephanie! I should be celebrating that, you are so right. Sticking with it - woot!
