
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Classic 3 of 40: Slaughterhouse 5

Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut.

Why Slaughterhouse 5?
It was long overdue: My first Vonnegut book. Finally. Slaughterhouse 5 was recommended by my friend Matt. 

My thoughts on the book: 
No spoilers here. The book is rooted in the bombing at Dresden. Confession:  I didn't know much of anything at all about the bombing at Dresden.

Beyond that basic plot tidbit, I'll say that I had never read anything with this style of writing before. It presented itself with a simple, straight-talking narrator that put you immediately at ease. Maybe I can go so far as to say the manner in which this book is narrated intends for you to feel a bit superior. But I couldn't help but be intrigued by the whole complexity of the protagonist. I was pulled into the strange world and the simply profound insights on human nature and human behavior.

It was a short book that seemed to lull me into believing it would be an easy book. But it was hard to read in a way. Challenged my first impressions, my expectations, and in the end made me feel like I lead a simple life and I'm lucky for it.

Recommended? Yes, For those that want to look at old ideas from a new perspective. While you could pick up this book and read the story, it seems like its best for those that are open to reading for more than just the plot. This book, and I'm guessing this author, is not for everyone all of the time. Recommended for those that are willing to read with an open mind.

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