
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Year 1: A Reflection

A successful first year.

Living life more fully. Trying new things. Facing fears. Venturing outside my comfort zone. As I come to the close of the first year since this journey began, I find myself clarifying that these were, in fact, the reasons for starting in the first place.

I'm approaching trips and life in a whole new way. I'm packing things into my life that seemed far fetched before. My alternatives list (for the big 40 before 40 list) is growing. I'm repeatedly asking myself, "If not now - when?" Some things are still outside my reach, outside my ability to schedule or afford - and that's perfectly ok. I'm excited to have a new filter for life.

Not just the list - but beyond that too - which is the true goal, I suppose. I've started to think about both my year-long goals and this 40 before 40 list as training wheels. Re-training myself to live differently. I'm never going to be an adrenaline junkie or anything, but not letting things getting in the way of doing things is a good start. Opting in, not opting out!  Using work trips to check things out that I wouldn't see otherwise, choosing to do more and experience deeper on regularly scheduled trips, saying yes to things I would have said no to before.


This agenda, this project (whatever it is), has given me the extra push I needed to face some fears, break out of my comfort zone, and take the first step towards some things I'd been thinking about for awhile.

We are often made to feel less than because we aren't doing it all. I don't want to get caught up in that! I set these goals/priorities for myself - and the biggest surprise has been the sense of permission I've allowed myself to let go of other things. It's easier to cut through the crap and choose what's meaningful for me, when I have a clearly defined list of what I'm working on or working towards.
I've been busier than ever, but the things I'm doing are so much more of what I truly want to be doing, I'm not as drained. It's amazing. I feel like this may be more true because of the extrovert/introvert dynamic. But I feel unburdened by other people's priorities in a new way. If a friend gets really pushy about doing something, it's much easier to say - I'm really sorry to miss another fill in the blank (i.e.: drinking event) but I'm working on fill in the blank (i.e.: learning to make bread) this weekend.

I know that each day we are here, is a privilege. We get bombarded with that message almost to the point that it loses its meaning. And certainly to the point that it used to make me feel a little guilty about spending a day at home. My homebody tendencies used to make me feel like I was opting out. Those days I just want to spend curled up with a good book. But even those days are gaining deeper value for me.

I have found a way to tap into an underground current. A day alone at home is more fulfilling now - the past year has had weekends filled with bread-making, cheese-making, pie-making, journaling, and knitting. I share homemade goodies with friends and coworkers. I am reading more and reading better. I am seeing the world with new eyes. With renewed possibilities.

Much to my surprise I'm finding clarity along the way (that really shouldn't be such a big surprise, but ... it is). My old reaction was to say, "No" first, then think about it. I think about the reason for my initial gut reaction, and then respond accordingly. Now, I'm significantly more likely to say, "Sure." 

It's easier for me to identify which type of fear is sparking my gut "No" reaction. Is it a fear of failing at something? Pie making. A fear of injury? Rock climbing. Fear of looking like a fool? Salsa dancing. Or just so far outside my comfort zone that I am unsettlingly uncomfortable? Zip lining. Honestly, I'm not sure I really gave much thought to the idea that there were different types of fear triggers before. I can now comfortably say I don't feel the need or interest in doing certain things - bungee jumping, for example. Whereas, while zip lining scares the crap out of me -  I still want to try it. I can look like a fool, but I want to see what it feels like to fly down a wire or learn to salsa. Sign me up.

All in all, not a bad start.

Iceland & Paris next month!! Making dreams come true! Can't wait.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

2015 Goals in Review

So ... How'd I do this year?

Not bad! If I do say so myself. I did not check every box of my goals, but as goals became accomplishments, I knew this year was a success. I started adding in things that had felt missing in my life. It has felt good. That's an understatement. It has felt like the ground has shifted below me. that I'm on an all new path. I am.

Let's see how this year has shaken out.

It started with a trip to Arizona and included trips to 15 states, had lots of lectures and speaking events, a ton of reading, and a whole lot more. 
2015 Goals Completed

1. Reading 

2015 Goal:
  • Classics (6 classics) 
  • History/Biographies (3-4) 
  • Modern Nonfiction type books (3-4)
  • Best Sellers/Fun (3-4) - This is the easy category so I am not reading all heavy/thinking required books.

UPDATE: Completed!!

2. Biking 
2015 Goals include a couple of bike classes, and a partial and full century ride + a spin goal.
  • Maintenance Class or Fix a flat class (learn about my bike) 
  • Go on a couple more group rides 
  • Partial Century
  • Complete a Century Ride (this may be a long shot this year, but I want to try)  
  • Reach 500 Energy "points" in spin
UPDATE : Partially Completed! I didn't make it to a bike class (shame on me!) and didn't complete a full century ... yet. Hopefully next year, we'll see.

3. Travel 
Goals include day trips, a new state, and a girls weekend. 
  • Weekend trip with friends 
  • At least 1 new state
  • More day trips out of town

UPDATE: Completed! I have been to Arizona, Michigan, California, and Illinois to see family; South Carolina to see a family friend;  California, Utah, Georgia, and Colorado for work (squeezing in some friend time along the way where possible). I have been to Vegas, NYC, and Iowa. And home sweet Oregon and Washington. I've taken day trips to Annapolis, Baltimore and Lancaster County (Dutch/Amish Country!), and the Calvert Cliffs. 

New states: AZ, GA, and SC!

4.  Culture  

  • Kennedy Center free events - at least 4 events this year 
  • See a play - at least 1
  • Go to lectures or talks - at least 3
  • Check at a new museum or local sites - at least 3 this year 
UPDATE: Complete! The spirit of this goal was completed, if not every aspect, so I feel fabulous about this. I have been to a few free Kennedy Center events and  a musical and opera, multiple lectures, a play at the Wooly Mammoth,  a concert at Merriweather,  saw Cheryl Strayed, and made it to two new museums: the Postal Museum with Polly and the Freer with Katharine. I made it to 3 new museums (Freer, Postal, and the Met). I also made it to the NYC Public Library and an art show at the Brooklyn Public Library, and Alcatraz which is museum like. I went to the Korean War Memorial.

5. Career 
Goals include: applying for the local Bar association, Joining a networking group or association, and getting Business Cards.
  • Apply for a new Bar association (local)
  • Join a networking group or association  
  • Get Business Cards 

UPDATE: Incomplete! This one has been the trickiest. I've been on a roller coaster of plans for my career. I definitely decided I was going to leave DC - so skipped the whole DC Bar thing. Now, it's the end of the year, and I think I'm going to stay for awhile longer. Who knows. I really should just get that done. Maybe?

6.  Spiritual Upkeep
Goals include Journaling - at least twice per month, and going to Church at least twice per quarter.
  • Journal - at least twice per month
  • Church - at least twice per quarter
UPDATE: Completed! Barely, but made it. The journaling is what I'm taking away from this year. It's been just what I need to vent and sort through things. Church: I'm glad that I pursued this goal, but I haven't found a church home just yet. I just went to a new one on Christmas Eve that I'm sure I'll go to more often in the new year. Maybe there's hope yet. I realized, what I really want is a community - and think I may pursue that in other ways next year.