
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

2016 Goals: 5 months in

Five months in. A little late for a check in about annual goals, but it's been a busy year. Definitely in a good way. Lots of visitors this year which means lots of chances to get out of the every day routine!

1) Make Art 

  • Do something creative at least once a month.   
  • Paint Nights, water coloring, crafting, photography, writing, knitting

  • Progress to Date: Not bad. I have done some writing and a paint night and some knitting! I'm working towards doing some painting or drawing at home and dreaming of a fancy camera to get back to photography. I have done something at least once a month, so I'm getting back on track!

    Philadelphia, PA
    2) See More East Coast 

  • Take at least 1 East Coast trip per quarter - day trips, overnights, longer. 
  • Go to NYC at least once, go to at least one new state on the East Coast, see more local sights. 

  • Progress to Date: Good! I have been to Philadelphia and Charlottesville so far. I have trip to NYC planned this summer (July) and to Indiana later this month!

    3) Go see Art 
    Degas at Musee D'Orsay
  • Going to museums more often, go see live music (symphony, jazz, any thing), plays, etc.

  • Reykjavik Symphony Hall
    Progress to Date: Success! The National Symphony Orchestra had a deal to buy 3 symphony tickets for $39 if you buy early, an amazing deal! I already want to buy more next year if they do the deal again. It has been fabulous! I've also been to a couple plays, Sixth & I for an author talk and have tickets to the ballet this summer! On track to keep this up and so happy about it. But must make it to some museums. Must.

    4) Adventure & Green Space 
    Versailles, France
  • Try at least 2 or 3 adventures this year. Face some fears this year. What list, you wonder? Zip lining, rafting, salsa dancing, boxing, martial arts.   
  • Get out to parks, forests, whatever green space I can find. At least once a month!
  • Dumbarton Oaks Garden, Washington DC
    Progress to Date: Not bad! I have been making it out to green space more and more, and with the weather improving, I think this will be much easier to accomplish. I am determined to do some local hiking this year.

    5) Read & Ride
    Reading: Read at least 4 nonfiction books this year. In addition to reading 8 classics (trying to keep on track with those 40 classics).
    Riding:  Complete a partial or complete century ride.

    Progress to Date: Um.... This seems to truly be at the bottom of my list. I haven't read any nonfiction this year but do have a stack waiting for me to start soon. I haven't taken my bike out at all this year. Oops. Better get cracking on this a little bit better.
    Tudor House, Washington DC