
Saturday, January 14, 2017

2016 Annual Goals: How'd it Go?

I thought a lot about what I wanted to accomplish and bring into my life this year. My top priorities were: Art, Music, and seeing more of the East Coast, as well as to be in more Green Space. In that way - I count this year a complete success! There were a few struggles along the way, but all in all - I feel like I figured how I wanted to spend this year - and did it extremely well.

1) Make Art 
Goal: I wanted to use more creativity and tap into more creative thinking. 
Parameters: Do something creative at least once a month.

So, How'd Art Go?
Success! It went well. I took an art class at the end of the year - that really makes this feel like it culminated in success. It was actually really hard at the beginning of the year, and I'm a little afraid I might fall out of the habit really easily. But this goal - helped me go the extra creative mile. Creating (no matter how badly) really grounds me. I'm now a member at my local art supply store - which has free Saturday classes. Something to consider for next year.

See my post about my art class experience!

2) See More East Coast 
Goal: After living here over 3 years, I wanted to ensure I saw more of the East Coast.
Parameters: At least 1 East Coast Trip per quarter, get back to NYC at least once, and see at least 3 new local sights
So, How'd Seeing The East Coast Go?
Success! It went so well! I went to Maine/Boston, NYC, Charlottesville, Indiana, and Philadelphia. Locally I finally made it to the Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens, Dumbarton Oaks, and Great Falls. Woohoo!!

3) Go see Art 
Goal: I wanted to embrace the art around me more while I am here and have the chance!
Parameters: Going to museums more often, go see live music (symphony, jazz, any thing), plays, etc. I actually set up a check list of places/types of art I wanted to be sure to hit/

So, How'd Seeing Art Go? 

Success! I ended up getting a symphony ticket package (3 for $39!!), saw jazz in the park, went to more than 1 play, went to the opera, saw Misty Copeland in the ballet version of Romeo and Juliet, went to various events at Sixth and I, and author talks at Politics & Prose!

4) Adventure & Green Space 
Goal: I wanted to face some fears this year and cross some things off my 40 before 40 list!
Parameters: Try 2-3 new things. And get to parks/forests/green space at least onc

So, How'd Adventuring & Green Space Go? 
Success! I made it green space every month and went zip lining for the first time! I also learned how to shoot a gun for the first time - finally. It wasn't quite as much adventure as I'd hoped - but I met my goal.


 5) Read & Ride
Goal: I wanted to continue pushing my comfort zone with reading and riding. With reading I particularly was concerned about not continuing reading non fiction and just going back to novels - so I made sure to include them.

Parameters: My original reading goal was 8 classics and 4 non fiction. Part way through the year I decided non fiction should actually be a 40 before 40 goal and I would need to increase to at least 6 non fictions. And originally I had a goal to do at least a partial century ride.

So, How'd Reading and Riding Go?

A mixed success. I decided part way through the year I wasn't going to pursue the riding this year.

As far as growing in my reading habits and pushing out of my reading comfort zone - Success! I added the goal of 40 non-fictions to my 40 Before 40 because I've found it so valuable, and am on my way. I had hoped to read 6-8 NF as well as 8 classics. I ended up reading all 8 classics (some short ones to make it work) and 6 non-fiction.

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